Wet World Shah Alam - 1000x Ticket Give Away

Come and join us at Wet World Shah Alam!
This Chinese New Year 
We are giving out FREE TICKET to you ! 

A total of 1000 tickets will be given out this around.

To get the free ticket, you just need to follow these simple steps: 
1) Like "WetWorld WaterParks" facebook page 
2) Share this post "Free 1000x Tickets" (Make sure your post is to be set to be view by public) and hashtag ‪#‎wetworldwaterparks‬ 
3) Fill in your personal details by click on our Sign Up tab. 
4) Wait for the good news from our respective personnel.

*This free ticket only valid on 27 & 28 Feb and 1 & 5 March 2015, after 6pm onwards.
Hurry up and get your Free Ticket at Wet World Shah Alam now!
