The FOODtree - Portuguese Dishes

One of the most exciting Portuguese dishes in Malaysia is obviously the Portuguese Grilled Fish. This dish is created by the Portuguese Malaysian community since generations. Delightfully hot and spicy, the dish normally uses stingray with all the herbs and spices and vegetables like slices of bhindi or lady’s fingers wrapped on a banana leave and then covered entirely by an aluminum foil and grilled over the hot fiery charcoal.

The smell of the grilled fish is simply amazing. The sambal topping that used as part of the ingredients is even tantalizing. It is spicy, aromatic, pungent, salty and sweet. Everything about the dish is awesome. Today, as the demand is getting more sophisticated, more diverse range of meat is used such as squid, tilapia, cockles, shellfish and more.

Have a go at Food Tree's very own PORTUGESE Grilled Fish, from RM9.90 per set.